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CIU doctoral graduate: “Welding” the gospel to ministerial leadership

Welding class graduates in Nepal display their certificates. (Photo: Micah Cornerstone Ministries)

March 23, 2022

When David Nerud left traditional employment for full-time ministry, little did he expect the big impact he would have through his platform for the gospel — welding.

Nerud, the founder of , is graduating in April from Columbia Biblical Seminary ' program. He says his desire through MCM is to spread the gospel and teach a skill that can break the generational chain of poverty in people’s lives around the world, describing the mission model as short-term, high impact, low cost, and God-honoring. So far, he has had the opportunity work in five countries: Nepal, India, South Africa, Honduras and Haiti.

“We have different platforms used in our missions, depending on where we are and what is requested,” Nerud said.

Free Welding Classes

Among the platforms are pastor training conferences, community outreach projects such as home constructions and community betterment projects, and welding training in which students are taught the skill of arc (stick) welding.

“In four to five days, I can train 10-15 people on the four basic welds seen in daily welding projects,” Nerud said. “These are long days of training as you can imagine and only the most dedicated are invited to attend this free training. The students must pass a rigorous four-test welding exam to graduate and receive their Level One Certified Welding Certificate.”

Upon completion of the training, the ministry provides the necessary equipment to start a basic welding business, but Nerud says the equipment is rarely given to the graduates outright. Instead, the ministry gets others involved.

“Sometimes we donate the equipment to a church, school, or community and those that graduate from the course use the equipment and pay a percentage to the owning entity,” Nerud said. “This means the new welders are earning an income, and the owning entity is also receiving income from this business.”

At other times, the equipment is donated to an organization, and a price set for it.

“The men then use this equipment and pay toward the agreed-upon price until it is paid off, and at that time, the equipment becomes theirs,” Nerud added. “Again, we are trying to get as many people benefiting from this one outreach as possible.”

Bringing in the Gospel

During the welding training, there are times set aside for devotionals and Bible studies.

“This is the format regardless of whether the students are pastors or unbelievers,” Nerud said. “First and foremost, I am there to spread the gospel message, which is the good news of Jesus the Christ. Everything else is ancillary.”

Nerud notes that at the last welding class he held in Kathmandu, Nepal, three welding students started their own welding businesses, with one of them hiring between 30-40 welders.

“This means that from one welding class, almost 100 men are now welding for a living and if we add wives and children, the number is over 300 people benefiting from one four-day welding class. Even more praiseworthy, one of those men accepted Christ as their Savior.”

Putting the DML to Use

Nerud is also pleased that at a recent pastor training conference, the 34 pastors in attendancerequested topics such as Christian Leadership, Church Leadership Positions, and Discipleship.

“I was overjoyed at this because I had just finished the Doctor of Ministry Leadership course at CIU and the classes these pastors wanted were all classes that we had covered in this program,” Nerud said. “God allowed me to put into immediate use what I had learned during my time at CIU. I am greatly excited to be graduating on April 30 with other members of the first cohort to go through the DML program at CIU.”

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